Rogue Trader Forces of the Imperium - Collectors Guide

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When Rogue Trader was first released and through until around 1992, there were a number of figures released which were loosely grouped as being part of the Imperial Forces but which did not clearly fit into the Imperial Guard, Space marines or any other of what became the 40K races. These included Adeptus Mechanicus, Psykers, Assassins and Inquisitors and were loosely grouped together as "Forces of the Imperium: in the 1991 Blue Catalogue.

As was common in that period, figures were released as part of one range and then re-appeared shortly thereafter as part of another range.

This Collectors Guide is an attempt to cover all such figures from the first release of Rogue Trader in March 1987 up to the 1994 Catalogue. From the 1995/6 Catalogue onwards, the races were more closely linked togtehr and the "odd" figures had largely disappeared.

It is suggested it is useful to also consult the Rogue Trader Adventurers, Mercenaries and Pirates Collectors Guide

An attempt has been made to group the different types of figures together. Within each group, the figures are listed in order of release. Where a figure appears in the 1988, 1989 or 1991 catalogues, the details are shown in the figure description.

Adeptus Arbites

Adeptus Mechanicus


Other Forces of the Imperium


Ratling Snipers

Shorty first appeared in the Rogue Trader Flyer Part One as part of the Mercenaries range, then in the 1988 Catalogue.

Ratling Snipers 1, 3 and 4 first appeared in the 1989 Catalogue.
